By: E4t my str!
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ingame moderator application I_vote_lcapingame moderator application I_voting_baringame moderator application I_vote_rcap 
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ingame moderator application I_vote_lcapingame moderator application I_voting_baringame moderator application I_vote_rcap 
ingame moderator application I_vote_lcapingame moderator application I_voting_baringame moderator application I_vote_rcap 
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ingame moderator application I_vote_lcapingame moderator application I_voting_baringame moderator application I_vote_rcap 
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ingame moderator application I_vote_lcapingame moderator application I_voting_baringame moderator application I_vote_rcap 
ingame moderator application I_vote_lcapingame moderator application I_voting_baringame moderator application I_vote_rcap 
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ingame moderator application Empty
PostSubject: ingame moderator application   ingame moderator application EmptyMon May 14, 2012 12:03 am

Hey my name is chris in game.
my age is 17.

I have been playing for just about 3 days.

I can help you with ideas on how to get more people on the server and how to keep players, I want to be a moderator because i love helping people in servers plus i have alot of respect for this server. And it would be amazing for me to be one of your staff on this server. I would donate to it but my mom say's that we are to poor atm Sad but i really wish i could so that i could help the server our. But here soon i will be getting a job and i will donate some money.

If one of my friends on the server was not following the Xreal-rune rules i would have no choice but to do my duty as staff and to discipline him/her in the way that he/she deserves weather it be Muting, Banning, Or just whatever he/she deserves

Your great weather you make me staff or not.
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