By: E4t my str!
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Mr Pwn mod app! I_vote_lcapMr Pwn mod app! I_voting_barMr Pwn mod app! I_vote_rcap 
Mr Pwn mod app! I_vote_lcapMr Pwn mod app! I_voting_barMr Pwn mod app! I_vote_rcap 
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Mr Pwn mod app! I_vote_lcapMr Pwn mod app! I_voting_barMr Pwn mod app! I_vote_rcap 
Mr Pwn mod app! I_vote_lcapMr Pwn mod app! I_voting_barMr Pwn mod app! I_vote_rcap 
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Mr Pwn mod app! I_vote_lcapMr Pwn mod app! I_voting_barMr Pwn mod app! I_vote_rcap 
Mr Pwn mod app! I_vote_lcapMr Pwn mod app! I_voting_barMr Pwn mod app! I_vote_rcap 
Mr Pwn mod app! I_vote_lcapMr Pwn mod app! I_voting_barMr Pwn mod app! I_vote_rcap 
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mr pwn

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Join date : 2012-05-19

Mr Pwn mod app! Empty
PostSubject: Mr Pwn mod app!   Mr Pwn mod app! EmptySat May 19, 2012 6:48 pm

Ign ( In Game Name): Mr pwn

Age: 17

How long you have played: Honeslty i just started today 5/19/12

What can you do for us/why do you want to be a moderator: I can do what ever it is that you need me to do as a moderator. I can simple enforce the rules of the game, I can show people around the server and help them with tasks that they need help with. Im going to be a player that is usually on, (not during school hours 8-2) but even as a regular played with know character rights, I will continue to do what I am already doing, which is greeting new players and helping anyone who needs help. I know what it takes to be a mod, I used to run my own server (extremepkers) and I fell that I can do this job well!

What would you do when a friend of you is not following the Xreal-rune rules: since he or she is a friend of myn I would tell him/her that they better stop breaking the rules, If it did not stop the first time I would report him/her to the owner, but if the owner is not on I would report it to a staff member!

~ thank you for reading my application for mod, I really appreciate it!
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PostSubject: Re: Mr Pwn mod app!   Mr Pwn mod app! EmptySun May 20, 2012 6:35 pm

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